With more than 15 years of experience, Dr Samson Roberts and his colleagues understand the Medicolegal interface. We have worked extensively with insurance companies, private legal practitioners, the Office of the Crown Solicitor, Department of Public Prosecutions and other agencies. Our psychiatrists are trained in WorkCover and Motor Accident Authority evaluations. They have experience working directly with SIRA in the capacity of Medical Assessment Service (MAS) Assessors, Dispute Resolution Service Medical Assessors (DRS), Medical Assessment Service Dispute Panel Assessors, Independent Medical Examiners (IME) and Workers Compensation Commission Disputes Assessors (AMS).

In addition to pursuing Medicolegal Psychiatry, our specialists understand the importance of ensuring ongoing clinical practice, managing mental illness across the diagnostic spectrum in public practice, private practice and within the prison population. We have extensive experience across the range of legal jurisdictions of the Criminal Justice System and work within the Correctional System.

Each psychiatric assessment will be tailored to the specific circumstances of the case. We ask that clients are referred by a solicitor or other agency with detailed written information and specific questions ensuring that the assessment and report precisely meet the client’s needs. If necessary, verbal testimony may be provided to assist in Court and Tribunal matters. Reports can be provided within three weeks and often within two weeks. More complex matters may take longer.

Assessments are undertaken at our rooms in the Sydney CBD or at other venues such as correctional centres. Fees for WorkCover matters are in accordance with the relevant tables. For information regarding fees for other services please contact our offices. You are welcome to contact us to speak directly to Dr Samson Roberts or one of our other psychiatrists.

Personal injury
Workers Compensation
Motor Accident Authority
Historical Abuse

Fitness to plea
Mental Illness Defence
Mental Health Diversion (Section 32/Section 21a)

Fitness to instruct counsel
Fitness for Work

Administrative Appeals Tribunal

Income Protection
Total and Permanent Disablement

File Review